Wednesday, November 26, 2014

atop shenandoah

Last month I headed out to Shenandoah National Park while the foliage was at peak.  
 I led a small group of hikers down the Big Meadows trail, and then up the Appalachian trail and the Hawksbill Summit trail (9 1/2 miles except for those who accidentally missed the turn-off; for them it was 12 miles!).

 At 4,050 feet, Hawksbill mountain is the highest point in Shenandoah.
 From the summit, had a nice, clear view of the ever-popular Old Rag mountain.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Fall comes to Fredericksburg

Last weekend, I accompanied my mom on a memorial walk for a friend in her walking club, the American Volksport Association.  The walk was in Fredericksburg, and although the drive down was rainy, the weather behaved for us, and the fall colors made a fine showing.

 Oh -- and there were zombies!