Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New York state of mind

My heart is with my family and friends in the New York area right now.  So a few NYC pics.  First is from central park (big camera, photo workshop).  Next, 59th street bridge (little camera).   Finally, view of Manhattan from Jersey City (phone).

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Breathing on the Bull Run Occoquan Trail

Yellow trout lily
I've never been very good at meditating but when I am hiking and taking photographs, I am able to breathe a little more deeply.  The other day, I escaped to a segment of the Bull Run Occoquan Trail in northern Virginia where I could breathe in the bliss of bluebells and other spring ephemerals.   Social distancing--a new and ever present phrase and phenomenon--was much more existent on this trail than in the heart of the city.   A brief but much needed escape.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Solitude (almost) at Scott's Run

Social distancing in the city has had me feeling too close to people on the sidewalks so today took a stroll at Scott's Run Nature Preserve.  Except for the trails nearest to the parking areas, it was relatively quiet.  I did pass people on average every 10 - 15 minutes or so, but only a few at a time.  I believe the parking lots may be closing after today so access will be more limited.  The air felt a little cleaner and I could breathe a little deeper amidst the emerging bluebells and other spring ephemerals.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

My sanctuary

A few weeks ago, extraordinarily stressed (and this was before coronavirus was the talk of the town), I went for a walk to a place that always brings me peace, Hillwood Gardens.  This was the first time I walked there from my home and back.  The Japanese garden pond area in particular draws me in. As did this turtle statue in the pond.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Strange spring

With the talk and news nonstop coronavirus, thought I'd get out and enjoy spring.  And start posting again.

Blood root flowers opening up at Scott's run and spring beauties in full bloom.