Monday, May 11, 2020

Meandering Along the Muddy Branch

For the past four weeks, I've been escaping the city in search of semi-solitude on a trail and have discovered the Muddy Branch Greenway Trail in Montgomery County, MD.  I started near the C&O canal and worked my way vaguely north and east over 9 miles or so.

In mid-April, I saw bluebells still blooming, including white bluebells.


I saw early/wild azaleas, various wildflowers, the Muddy Branch (stream) itself, woods, skunk cabbage and grasses.  Although not entirely alone, it was a welcome escape from the more crowded city.   Here are a few photos from my hikes.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Love a rainy day

Waited out a downpour in my car until it downgraded to a light rain so I could enjoy my walk with fewer people out - loved it!